Access and Transport

We have carried out a series of studies and assessments to determine how best to access the existing road network while minimising any effects

The main access to the site will be from a new roundabout on the A129 Southend Road. A hierarchy of streets will be carefully arranged to support small clusters of homes and generate community relationships.

A secondary access is proposed via Alicia Walk. This will be for local pedestrian, cycle, and emergency services access.

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Proposed roundabout junction and Primary site acess plan. Click image to enlarge Pinch to zoom
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Secondary site emergency access plan. Click image to enlarge Pinch to zoom

Pedestrian and cycle routes

The pedestrian and cycle routes within the development will connect to the wider network and provide connections to local amenities such as shops and services located south of Southend Road and the Hill Avenue parade, as well as Shotgate Park.

Shared surfaces will aid pedestrian priority and street trees will frame views along the spine street and out towards the public open spaces.


Contact us

We want to hear your views and thoughts on our proposals. Get in touch with us