Delivering community benefits

Southend Road will deliver community facilities and green open spaces designed for everyone to access and use.

Community benefits will include:

  • Informal and formal children’s play areas
  • Preserving and enhancing existing hedges, woodlands, and trees
  • A network of multi-functional green spaces and wetlands including wildlife areas
  • Walkways, cycling routes and exercise trails
  • A new nature reserve for the whole of Wickford to enjoy

Houses will be built to modern building standards making them warm in the winter and cool in the summer. They will be designed to be energy efficient and help reduce household costs from energy consumption. The development will include low carbon and renewable energy technologies.

Enhanced planting, setting development back from existing homes and creating attractive buffers along the new settlement edge; these will also partially screen views into the site and soften the built development.

In addition to providing on-site benefits, any development will also be subject to the Council’s requirements for financial contributions secured by a Section 106 agreement.

Wildflower Grasslands

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