Drainage and management of surface water

A full flood risk assessment and drainage strategy is being developed to support the proposals

A full flood risk assessment

  • The flood risk assessment will set out what is required to ensure the site is protected from flood risk over its lifetime and to ensure that the site’s development does not increase flood risk elsewhere.
  • The proposed drainage strategy will collect rainwater onsite within Sustainable Drainage features (SuDS). The collected rainwater will be released at a controlled rate, greatly reducing the peak flow rate from the site.
  • For extreme rain events, which have a 1% chance of occurring in any given year, our proposals will provide a significant reduction in rainfall runoff from the site. Our studies suggest that post-development rainfall runoff will be reduced by 80% for these extreme events.

Sustainable drainage features

The drainage strategy will provide additional benefits through the implementation of sustainable drainage features. These are known as SuDS. They mimic the natural drainage system and provide a method of surface water drainage which can decrease the quantity of water discharged, and hence reduce the risk of flooding. In addition to reducing flood risk, SuDS features improve water quality, and provide biodiversity and amenity benefits.


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