Nature-led Design

We go to great lengths to ensure our developments fit naturally with the environment and local landscape

We’re determined to protect, preserve and enhance the natural site features and we will work closely with the Environment Agency, Natural England and local wildlife groups to manage and maintain any protected flora and fauna. We always endeavour to enhance the local landscape and habitats to encourage and increase biodiversity.

Protected species


Notable and protected species have been fully considered within the scheme and mitigation measures designed in, including reptile and butterfly banks. During construction, industry best practice safeguards will be followed through appropriate working methods and supervision by ecologists.

The site includes two pillboxes, these are small, reinforced defensive buildings that were built during World War Two (1939 - 1945) at strategic locations. We want to retain and enhance the pillboxes as part of the local history of Wickford. We are looking at the option of converting one of them into a bat roost.

Access to nature

Kids with Tadpoles

Access to nature will be encouraged, through both retaining existing public rights of way and the creation of new footpaths, with high quality signage provided. Natural play will also be promoted in both formal and informal areas of the site.

Within the built environment, tree planting and landscaping will be used to allow nature to enter the development, to benefit both wildlife and people.

Contact us

We want to hear your views and thoughts on our proposals. Get in touch with us